Jay's Iptables Firewall


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v1.0.5 (13/08/2005)
  - fix the "Couldn't load target `JAY_CHECK_TCP'" bug.
  - fix the "ALLOWED_PING doesn't work anymore" bug.

v1.0.4 (22/05/2005)
  - fix the bug in the selection of the interfaces (the strange characters)
  - fix the " very very older version " of dialog bug message
  - fix a small bug about the undetected interfaces in firewall-config.pl .
  - The custom rules ware started twice.
  - The name of the modules in kernel 2.6 change from .o to .ko
  - refreshing some part of code
  - Change the syn limit connection from 4/s to 12/s and add SYN_LIMIT_BURST 

v1.0.3 (29/12/2003)
  - Bug fixed for people which have ipv6 enabled.

v1.0.2 (28/12/2003)
  - The unclean module has ben removed for kernel 2.6 compatibility. 
  - The spyware/deny-IP feature has been optimized (bandwidth may have slowed
    with too many IPs). 
  - The forwarding option allows you to forward some ports from the LAN side. 
  - An option for keeping modules loaded after 'stop' has been added. 
  - A small bug has been fixed in the 'ping_for_all' feature, and the LAN 
    can now ping your firewall while ping_for_all=0 (default rules for the LAN). 
  - A config file has been added for the 'firewall-spy-update.pl' script.

v1.0.1 (19/09/2003)
  - The Ulog support has been added. Useful if you don't want to write 
    all the dropped packets in your syslog files.

v1.0 (08/09/2003)
  - You can now open ports on specifics interfaces if you have more than 
    one interface.

  - You can now limit the tcp/udp access from your LAN (and by interface).

  - A new support for pptp/ipsec has been added.
    ipsec is stil in development but pptp is working for a pptp server 
    on the firewall box.

  - A new spywares updating script has been added, you will be always up to date.
    You can put it in a cron. You can tell him which ips/spy you want to ignore.

  - The upload limit function has been removed.

  - A support for PeerProtect has been written (see http://www.atout.be)

  - The iprange modules support has been added (for the blocking ip option)

  - The script configuration has been a little bit reviewed

  - Autodetection of the binary tools

  - Correct some messages and some few little bugs

v0.9.96 (22/04/2003)
  - The script do now a test of all iptables needed options before 
    launching the firewall. These tests are more powerfull for people 
    which includes the netfilter in the kernel.
  - The last spywares list (16/04/2003) has been inclues in this release.

v0.9.95 (06/04/2003)
  - The ZorbIPTraffic support has been updated for the ZorbIPTraffic 
    version >= 0.07

v0.9.94 (03/04/2003)
  - A bug has been fixed in the tcp/udp forward feature when the 
    destination's port is modified.

v0.9.93 (19/03/2003)
  - TCP/UPD forward has been fixed for poeple not using the verbose mode 
    (strange bug) 

v0.9.92 (19/03/2003)
  - The ZorbIPTraffic does not work in the previous release

v0.9.91 (17/03/2003)
  - The tcp/udp Forward support is now able to select the incoming interface(s) 
    list for each ports forwarded.
  - Exclusion option for block-ip file's has been added (for deny a entiresubnet 
    but some hosts).
  - A MAC address blocking file support has been added, it work like the
    blocking ip files but can only deny a host from the source address mac.
  - A option has been add for reload the blocking ips/mac files without that
    you must restart the firewall.
  - A new structure of FORWARD chain has been writed
  - The Verbose mode has been cleaned and is now very much more detailed 
  - Pre/Post script support has been added. 
  - Add undetected iface support for the LAN interfaces too.

v0.9.9 (06/03/2003)
  - A bug has been fixed in the test of firewall.config file (DENY_HOSTS_DIR)
    (Thanks to Torbjörn Zachrisson).

v0.9.8 (03/03/2003)
  - The IRC modules have been add to the firewall options. 
  - Support for transparent (HTTP/FTP) proxies has been added. 
  - The firewall now has an option for testing the configuration file. 
  - A small bug has been fixed in the script configuration 
    (for undetected interfaces). 
  - A new '--update' option has been added to the configuration script 
    to perform an easy update of the configuration file. 
  - The argument checking of 'firewall-config.pl' has been rewritten, 
    so that '--config' can now be used with other options such as '--new' ,
    '--generate', or '--update'. 

v0.9.7 (28/02/2003)
  - The configuration's script is now able to manage the undetected external
    interfaces (like ppp0 when that it is not connected). 

  - The option ' restart' doesn't unload the modules installed by default 
    (and NAT if necessary) to keep current connections opened.

v0.9.6 (24/02/2003)
  - The iptables structure was rewritten for a optimisation of the packets 
    classification. The verification of the packets by the kernel is now 
    more faster and the starting's script too.

  - The spywares blocking and the blocking ips features were merged. 
    You may now use the "block-ip-{in|out}.*" files for blocking the incoming 
    and outgoing denied traffic.
    The spywares files were renamed as "block-ip-out.spywares" and 

v0.9.5 (16/02/2003)
  - Users are now allowed to customize which kinds of ICMP they want to block. 
  - Users are now allowed to disable the TCP, ICMP, or Spoofing control. 
  - The install script was replaced by a Makefile. 
  - A bug (involving a bad flush of the old rules) which was triggered at 
    the launch of the firewall was fixed. 
  - A little bug which affected non-masquerading users was fixed. 

v0.9.4 (09/02/2003)
  - Custom rules support was added, the rules are read from a file
    (default is /var/lib/firewall-jay/firewall-custom.rules) and are started 
    at the beginning of the firewall

  - The option which made it possible to keep the current configuration of 
    iptables intact was removed. The firewall flush now all iptables before 
    starting. So for security reasons.

  - The spywares list was updated

v0.9.3 (07/02/2003)
  - Binary files configuration (iptables, ifconfig , grep , ...) is now made 
    from the configuration's script.
  - Multiple tests were added at the launch of the firewall.

v0.9.2-1 (02/02/2003)
  - A bug was fixed in support for old 'dialog' versions (in the script
    configuration) (Thanks to Yoyo).
  - Another bug was found in the script configuration, and you can now 
    allow ports with range syntax (such as 3010:3020) (Thanks to Yoyo).
  - Webpage for firewall was modified (Thanks to Seb for his english)

v0.9.2 (02/02/2003)
  - An empty configuration file can be generated without using an interactive 
    dialog (for those who wish to configure the program by hand). 
  - The install script is now able to create runlevel startup links with a 
    custom starting position. 
  - The code was cleaned. 
  - The latest spyware list (from 2003-01-30) was added.

v0.9.1a (29/01/2003)
  - A install/uninstall script was added, which helps you configure your 
    runlevel for automatically starting and stopping the firewall. 
  - The configuration of spyware blocking is now easier, and the available 
    blockings files are now read from /var/lib/firewall-jay and selected from 
    the config menu. 
  - A bug was fixed in the script's configuration, and the detection of 
    interfaces was modified. (Thanks to Bob Weber).

v0.9b-2  (25/01/2003)
  - Fix bug in script configuration

v0.9b-1  (24/01/2003)
  - Create support for old versions of 'dialog' (like in Redhat 7.3) 
    (Thanks to Yoyo and his Redhat :))

v0.9a20030122  (22/01/2003)
  - A clean configuration file is now created, with comments for easy editing. 
  - A new 'Add forward TCP/UDP rule' was added in the script configuration. 

v0.9a20030121  (22/01/2003)
  - Some modifications in the firewall.rules file which were forgotten in 
    the previous release have been added. These modifications are necessary 
    to make the new configuration script work. 

v0.9a20030120  (20/01/2003)
  - Text mode interface for configuration
  - New Spyware list

v0.8.2 (6/01/2003)
  - A new list of spyware was added. 
  - The code was cleaned up. 
  - A debugging log for smurf attacks was added (the firewall must log ping 
    'reply' and not ping 'request' to outside). 
  - An independent chain for Spoofing was created. 
v0.8.1.1 (2/01/2003)
  - The command that removes the runtime files at shutdown was fixed. 
  - A new, experimental feature for limiting uploads was added, this feature 
    can be triggered by a particular source port or destination port.   

v0.8.1 (31/12/2002)
  - Spyware list in 0.8 was not the last found on alt.privacy.spyware

v0.8 (30/12/2002)

  - The firewall provided now 3 files of list IP/subnet coming from 
    alt.privacy.spyware (Spyware, Doubleclick & co.) and a BLOCKLIST feature.
    the files are:
            block-ip.all           (167 ip/subnets) : All ip and subnet found on 
	    block-ip.lite           (21 ip/subnets) : Doubleclick and Gator
	    block-ip.doubleclick    (14 ip/subnets) : Doubleclick

  - Debug DHCP from windows. If you use a DHCP server on your linuxbox, 
    he will receive now requests from and not only from 169.254.x.y

v0.7.2 (29/12/2002)
  - bug at the launch of the computer.
    If the firewall is not stopped before the computer's shutdown, 
    the directory '/var/run/firewall-jay/' will be cleaned but not removed
    (and your firewall will not start)
    Thank Zorbat and sorry for your wasted time ;)

v0.7.1 (25/12/2002)
  - debug upload limit 

v0.7 (20/12/2002)
  - Allow upload limit on the firewall box too
  - Add 'mss to Path Maximum Unit' for the firewall box too
  - Deny invalid ICMP (bug in iptables < 1.2.6a) for the firewall box too

v0.7a (17/12/2002)
  - Add Upload Limit Support
  - Clamp mss to Path Maximum Unit (because some people block all ICMP)
  - New Spoofing control 
  - Remove unused variable
  - Stop if firewall can't find "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route"
  - Add dynamic ip support 
  - Deny outging invalid ICMP (bug in iptables < 1.2.6a)

v0.6.3 (4/12/2002)
  - Add some test for removing warning messages 

v0.6.2 (29/11/2002)
  - Found bug in markage support

v0.6.1 (27/11/2002)
  - Allow multiple subnets in ZorbIPTraffic
  - Finalize ZorbIPTraffic support

v0.6 (22/11/2002)
  - Before setting up the iptables rules, a firewall must flush the old rules. 
    But, it is not always funny for the other programs which also use iptables.
    The new options are {start | stop | restart | flush | flush-restart}.
    The 'start|stop' options are for starting/stoping the firewall (ho!).
    The 'restart' option restart ONLY the firewall rules.
    The 'flush' options is for flushing all your iptables rules,
    The 'flush-restart' is for restarting the firewall with clean tables 
    (most secure but sometimes #%@&#*.)
  - Now under the GNU General Public License

v0.5.1 (16/11/2002)
  - Where is the latest Spoofing changes ??
  - Add final support for ZorbIPTraffic
  - Add note about kernel configuration,
    all iptables in modules is largely preferred !

v0.5 (13/11/2002)
  - Big Changes !!
  - Load Balancing, tuning bandwidth and iproute testing were removed, 
    these features will be available soon separately .
  - New management of modules loading/unloading. (Eric, ... it's working now !)
  - New detection of IP, work now with other than English installation.
  - Eric found a bug in Spoofing control (still him ?)

v0.4.3.1 (30/10/2002)
  - oups, we need testing the options before loading modules :)

v0.4.3 (30/10/2002)
  - modules loading rewrited (script now stop if one module is not avalaible)
  - test if the selected interfaces is up before continue (thanks Eric)
  - allow Windows to request dhcp service (Windows may use 169.254.x.y before 
    the dhcp request and is thus not allowed on subnet) (for you Yoyo)

v0.4.2 (27/10/2002)
  - found bug in 'ip detections' (thanks Eric ;))

v0.4.1 (26/10/2002)
  - correct load balancing, allow more than 2 interfaces
  - add denying host rule (input & output)
  - add define location for 'firewall.config' and 'firewall.rules' files 
    in 'firewall' script.
  - cleaning 'firewall.config'

v0.4 (22/10/2002)
  - add multiple externals interfaces support.

  - add load balancing support with (actualy) 2 interfaces
    (iproute2 rules).
  - add 'maximum-throughput' and 'minimum-delay' options for TCP & UDP ports
    with iptables
  - idem but the bandwidth is tuned with "tc"
    give higher priority but less bandwidth to small packets
    and lower priority but most of the bandwidth to big packets.
    see HOWTO on http://www.prout.be  (thanks max :)).
  - adition of an easy markage (mangle table) for packets claiming to be 
    from IP or port (for testing iproute2 utilities)

  - add ZorbIPtraffic support (http://www.atout.be)

v0.3.2 (03/10/2002)
  - found bug in forwarding ports

v0.3.1 (10/08/2002)
  - Allow limited TCP & UDP ports for tunneling
  - Add some debug messages 

v0.3 (07/08/2002)
  - Add configuration file
  - Auto detect ip/subnet/broadcast via ifconfig (sed rules)
  - Add tunneling (beta)

v0.2.1 (03/08/2002)
  - Test the presence of the modules before loading
  - Add UDP allowing (loop forgotten)
  - Add optional root-dns

v0.2 (27/07/2002)
  - Allow multiple LAN interfaces
  - Add debug mode
  - Add changelog :)